You couldn’t have ordered a better day as a few of the RoughRiders gathered to try to beautify the range (aka fix up the registration shack). Bright sunshine and sunny dispositions combined to make this work day a real pleasure. We were under the direct supervision of Two X Tom, who brought a trailer full of know-how and materials, and a truck full of patience. We really appreciate it, Tom! Assistant carpenters for the day were Dakotan, Dakota Rattler, Dakota Dealer, Heck Catcher, Doc Syn, Cheval and Blake Stone. Everyone pitched in as they could, and the shack is now better than half complete. Check out the pics on this website to see the progress. A big thank you to all involved.
Don’t forget… We have a match this Sunday, October 4th. Registration at 12, shooting starts at 1 p.m.
Blake Stone
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The best shooting club in the Bismarck/Mandan area!
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