Our final match of the year was shot under threatening skies, but went off without a hitch.
There was a lot happening, and happening fast!
First… Congratulations to Dakota Psycho as he took top honors in the regular match!
The “Gold Rush” team event was won by the team of Blackwater Bill and Rough Rider Ray. Good job!
The fastest time in the qualifying round for the man-on-man event was Blackwater Bill with a 4.59 second run! (Told you things happened fast)
And the Winner of the Man-On-Man Shootout was none other than Not-So-Slim Jim. Congratulations!
I’d like to thank all who came out and shot with us this year. You made it another sucessful year for the Dakota RoughRiders.
Good Lord willin’, we can gather again next year and fight all them bad hombres, round up all those strays and save all them that need savin’.
Hope you all had as much fun this year as I did.
Thanks again,
Blake Stone
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