Our September match was shot under a warm (hot), bright, sunny sky. We had 22 registered shooters and we welcomed Joe Coe back from Gunsmoke, the Minnesota State Shoot. Joe was sittin’ in the campground at the range behind Ahlman’s gun shop outside Morristwon, MN, at 7 a.m., but made it back in time to join in on our match! Many of us were thankful for the “jet-lag” that seemed to have a firm grip on him. Blackwater Bill continued his mastery of the metal targets, as he claimed the overall win. Congratulations, Bill!
Welcome to Alex Schmidt and Dakota Gun, (Dave Hartsoch), who shot with the RoughRiders for the first time. Alex is a local shooter we should be seing a lot more of in the future and Dave made the trip all the way form Ray, ND. We all knew Psycho was a corrupting force! Good luck on getting things rolling in the Williston area. Timbercrick Mick was down to represent the Trestle Valley Rangers and Rough Rider Ray and Bandit Rider showed that the Badlands Bandits love to shoot! Dakota Dealer tried to gain an advantage on everyone by making his bullets longer to get them closer to the targets…didn’t work out so well. Might want to rethink that strategy.
We had 4 shooters emerge from all the smoke and flyin’ lead (and laughter) with no misses/no procedurals. Cngratulaltions go to Heck Catcher, Dakota Rattler, Cheval and Blake Stone for shooting this match clean. Our next match is Sunday, October 4th. Registration at noon, shooting follows safety breifing at 1.
May all your lead find steel.
Blake Stone
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