We posted an invitation on the website to all shooters wanting to hone their skills and keep sharp. That turned into a popular competition amongst shooters of every level of experience, from novice to national
Here you can swap stories of your best field shots, learn from more experienced shooters, help newer shooters, test your skills, and enjoy the camaraderie of friendly competition.
What equipment do I need to compete?
Just about any rifle capable of accuracy to 200 yards. You’ll be shooting from a bench so you’ll need some sort of rest where the front and rear rest are separate (no lead sleds), bipods can also be used. Any rifle scope can be used, we recommend something 10 power and higher. You will need a minimum of 20 rounds per target with unlimited sighters allowed prior to the match. 2 sighters are allowed per target during the match. Eye and ear protection are required. Spotting scopes are also recommended.
I just have a stock rifle, will I be shooting against a custom rifle?
Only if you want to. There are 5 categories of competition. Custom, Factory, AR, 22LR and 17HMR-22 Magnum. You can shoot up in class but not the other way around.
Do I have to be a good shot?
No, we just want you to have fun and give you the opportunity to hone your skills in a safe and friendly environment.
What will I be shooting at?
The target is a 19” x 30” sheet of paper containing 10 various size varmint silhouettes stationed at 200 yards for the centerfire rifle and 100 yards for the rimfire rifles. The silhouettes are from 7 1⁄2" to 3⁄4" high.
How is scoring done?
You will have 10 minutes to shoot ten rounds with a brief rest and then another ten rounds for a total of 20 rounds per target. In order to shoot a perfect score you will need to shoot 2 shots per animal however this is a highest score competition so you may shoot more than 2 shots per animal but only the 2 highest scoring hits will be counted. Each animal has a small white center dot which when hit will score an extra 10 points. You will have the option of shooting a second target to try to improve your score.
Will there be any prizes awarded?
No prizes are awarded but your target will be yours to hang up for bragging rights.
Can I have a spotter?
Do I have to be a club member?
No. All BMRPA matches are open to both members and non-members, bring someone with and they may want to get involved in this friendly shooting competition.
Indoor Varmint Benchrest Matches
Indoor Varmint Benchrest Rifle Matches are similar to the Outdoor Varmint Benchrest with a few exceptions.
.22 LR rifles shot offhand and off the bench. There are 3 separate matches.
1st Match: 50 yards with scoped rifle from the bench with no limitations on the scopes, front and rear rest must be separated, rifle not to exceed 12 pounds, no custom-built rifles, rifle must retain the original trigger, stock, action, must have working safety, barrel may be upgraded, and muzzle may be threaded, no barrel tuners are allowed. Triggers may be tuned, and stocks may be bedded.
2 ten round targets will be used with 1 shot at each animal for a total of 20 rounds. Sighter shots may be taken during the match.
Extra shots on the target will be subtracted from the highest scoring hit. To score
an X count the dot at the center of the white circle must be obliterated when scored with a plug.
2nd Match: scoped rifles@ 50' offhand. 3rd Match: iron sights 50' offhand.
Any rifle that is legal for Light Rifle may be used. Rifle and scope not to exceed 8.5 pounds,
minimum trigger pull not less than 2 pounds with a working safety. 1 target will be used, 20 shots total, multiple shots on each animal allowed but only 2 highest scoring hits per animal allowed. Sighter shots may be taken during the match. Extra shots will be subtracted from highest scoring hits,
X count dot in middle of white circle must be obliterated when scoring plug is used.
Any rifle that is legal for Light Rifle may be used. Rifle and scope not to exceed 8.5 pounds, Any rifle not meeting these requirements can be fired
in a non-compliant category.
Match Fees:
$10 for one match, $15 for 2 matches, $20 for 3 matches
Registration: Check BMRPA calendar for monthly dates and starting times Contact Info: Doug Kitzan 701-214-1417
See Calendar for Upcoming Varmint Rifle Competitions/Events
1/21/2024-Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results 1/19/2025- Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
3/10/2024 Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results 2/17/2025- Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
4/13/2024 Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
5/11/2024 Rimfire Outdoor Varmint Match Results
6/29/2024 Varmint Benchrest Results
7/20/2024 Varmint Benchrest Results
8/24/2024 Varmint Benchrest Results
9/15/2024 Varmint Benchrest Results
10/13/2024 Varmint Benchrest Results
10/27/2024-Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
11/17/2024- Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
12/15/2024- Rimfire Indoor Varmint Match Results
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