Word has it that Doc Syn and Striped Buffalo were at odds regarding a pair of bird’s heads shooting irons in the possession of Doc. They decided to settle the matter in the traditional way…a shoot out.
The first two stages put Doc ahead, but only by a mear 0.18 seconds. Striped Buffalo shot clean and gained 2 bonus hits. Doc got the bonus hits, but 1 miss took out the gain. The pressure was showing on the next stage with 2 misses for Doc and a clean run for Striped Buffalo. Doc needed to pick up 9.25 seconds on the final stage and you could see those bird’s heads slipping away.
The final stage had the cowboys and gals attention. Guns were blazin’, bullets were flyin’ and wood a’splinterin’. When the smoke cleared, Striped Buffalo had a clean 33.11 second run and Doc missed a pistol target, throwing the round into R4. Time: 34.52.
Being a gentleman of his word and showing respectful deference to a lady, Doc pulled his prized guns and slipped them into Striped Buffalo’s holsters.
Written by Hay Creek Johnson
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