Notice to the Membership – On Friday, October 16, 2020, club members will be doing maintenance to targets downrange of the mail firing berm. We will do repairs to the 25, 50,100 and 200 yard target backstops in preparation for the annual Sight-In Days this coming weekend (Saturday and Sunday, October 17 and 18, 2020) – and it looks like we will have just wonderful weather this weekend. We will also do some trash cleanup around the range and winterize the High Power target pits (remove the counter weights from the target carriers).
Anyhow – the main firing line will be closed from approximately 8:30am until we are finished – approximately 1pm. So plan accordingly. If you would like to help out – please contact Tom Thompson or come out to the range in the morning.
If you would like to sight in your hunting rifles this weekend – the range will be open. However, please give right-of-way to anyone from the public that may attend our event. In addition, there are matches scheduled for the outdoor range this weekend – so we will have to work together to get all events completed. We could probably use an additional range officer to help out at the range – another opportunity to obtain some volunteer hours.
Please contact Tom Thompson (701-220-4601) if you have any questions.
Thank you
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