As you can see, our website has been redone from the ground up, hopefully for the better! Here is a list of the most important changes:
Articles on the front page
When news articles and results were posted on the old website, it was a bit hard to notice them. Now, whenever news or results are published, they show up right on the front page. We also have the ability for more important news to “stick” at the top of the list for as long as needed.
Calendar – Categories
While viewing the calendar, you now can quickly select which category of event you wish to look at. Click on the “All Event Categories” button (located above the calendar) and a dropdown menu listing the disciplines will appear.
Event reminders via Google Calendar gc_button2
The new calendar provides a feature some of you will greatly appreciate. When you click on an event in the calendar, you will be taken to that event’s page. On that page, there is a button you can click to set the event in your Google Calendar so you get a reminder. No more excuses for missing a match!
Follow Us Button
You can subscribe to the website’s RSS news feed feed-icon-16x16. It is located on the right, below the Search field.
Share Buttons
We have also added Share buttons so you can easily share what you read here with your friends on Facebook facebook, Twitter twitter, Blogger blogger, and even via email email. To get access to these buttons, click on the title of the post you want to share. This will open the post on its own page where the buttons are displayed at the beginning of the article.
You will notice that no polls are currently displayed. We still have the capability. So, if someone requests a poll, we can post it.
Everything should have made it through the transfer, but if you notice something missing or a link that goes nowhere, be sure to let me know.
We sincerely hope you will enjoy our new website!
Myriam “Thunder Wolf” Vennie
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The best shooting club in the Bismarck/Mandan area!
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