Howdy all, hope all is well. Just a note letting everyone know what is going on at the range and with the saloon. The new berm is going in and hopefully it will be done soon. As for the saloon, first of all thanks to all the guys that helped in setting the poles and lifting up the saloon front. That brings us to the next step. Being it is going to be a nice day this Saturday, we decided to see if we could get the floor on the saloon done, before the weather changes. So if anyone can help on Saturday, that would be great. The plan is to eat breakfast Saturday morning at Marlin’s truck stop (east end of Bismarck) at 7:30 a.m. and then go out to the range, starting work about 9:00 a.m.
Hope to see ya at the range!
Mike “Rod-Iron-Rip” Ripplinger
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