High Power Event Notes

July 31, 2018

August 10 (Friday afternoon) – Mini-High Power Clinic

On Friday (August 10) starting at noon – we will have a mini-High Power Clinic. We will have the range set up with 100 and 200 yard targets (under our canopy) and also we will set up for firing at 600 yards. Individuals can get zero’s for their rifles at 100/200 yards and then move to the 600 yard range for practice firing and coaching. Individuals will be expected to take turns marking targets for 600 yards in the target pits. This is for those that would like to check zeros on their service rifle or vintage rifle (or F-Class rifles). We will coach and work with anyone that would like to try out the High Power game. If you’re looking to pick up a few pointers in the game – please join us. We’ll also cook up a few hamburgers after the range goes cold. If you would like to come in on Friday for the clinic, please send Tom Thompson an e-mail at tnt@bis.midco.net.

August 11 – Bismarck/Mandan M1 Garand Club Championship

We will have a Vintage match on Saturday morning, August 11. This is our Club championship – anyone can participate and win our club championship. Any vintage rifles can be used for this event (M1 Garands, Springfields, etc.). Competitors can fire other rifles in this event (for example to confirm zeros for the Sunday Leg match) – however, only the High Vintage Rifle competitor can win the club championship plaque.

August 11 – Palma Long Range Match

Following the M1 Garand Club Championship, we will have a Palma match (approximately 1 hour after the Garand match). This event is open to sling and F-Class (F-Open and F/TR) competitors. In this event, competitors fire 15 shots for record (and sighting shots) from 800, 900 and 1000 yards. If you don’t have a Palma rifle and you’re firing in the “Sling” category that’s ok, you can fire what ever long range rifle you have. Scopes are also allowed but the “any rifle” and scoped rifles will fire out-of-competition.

August 12 – “Leg” Match

On Sunday, August 12, we will have an EIC “Leg” match. This match is 50 shots (with no sighters) at 200, 300 and 600 yards. Current CMP rules will apply for this event. Competitors will be allowed to fire match rifles in this event (out of competition of course).

If you have any questions or if you would like to attend, please send Tom Thompson an e-mail at tnt@bis.midco.net.

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The winner of the 61st Annual Von Bismarck is Travis Jorgenson. pictured here with his coach Grace. 
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